In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data under Possession of Private Parties (hereinafter “the Law”), published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on July 05, 2010, the following is notified:

Intercam Banco S.A. Institución de Banca Múltiple, Intercam Grupo Financiero, Intercam Casa de Bolsa S.A. de C.V., Intercam Grupo Financiero, Intercam Fondos S.A. de C.V., Sociedad Operadora de Fondos de Inversión, Intercam Grupo Financiero, Intercam Agente de Seguros y de Fianzas S.A. de C.V. and Intercam Arrendadora S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter “Intercam Servicios Financieros”) indicate as the party responsible for securing, disclosing, storing, using, including the access action, managing, benefiting, transferring or disposing of personal data (hereinafter the “treatment”), the financial entity from those previously described that collects such data and indicate as their domicile the one located at Lago Zúrich 245, Piso 10, Col. Ampliación Granada, Alc.. Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico City, C.P. 11529.

In Intercam Servicios Financieros we are aware on how significant is for you to keep your personal information private, and for such reason and in accordance with the provisions of the Law, we use administrative, technical and physical security measures that allow protecting the personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or use, unauthorized access or treatment.


We collect your personal data in the following manners: personally, when you visit any of our branches or whenever any representative of Intercam Servicios Financieros visits you; directly, when requesting any of our financial or advisory services, whether through our website, by email or mail, online services, courier services or by phone, and indirectly when we use public or business information sources permitted in accordance with the law.


The purpose of the treatment of your personal data is to verify and confirm your identity, perform the activities necessary to contract, place, manage and operate the products and services that you have contracted with us, identify risks during contracting, inception, maintenance and end of the legal relationship required by the competent authorities.

In addition to the foregoing, for secondary purposes, your personal data may be used to prepare the client’s profiles, to analyze your needs, analyze the design of products, provide you with advertisement to promote the financial products and services that, in our opinion, could be interesting for you. If you are a provider individual) of Intercam Servicios Financieros or act on behalf of a legal entity, or an individual with entrepreneurial activities, your data may be used to request or make recommendations or reference as regards the quality, security and legality of the products and services marketed by you.

If you don’t want your data to be treated for secondary purposes, you can express your refusal within a five-business day period after providing your data by calling 01-800-800-3334 or 55-33-33-34 extension 3162 or sending an -email to the address: [email protected]; if your refusal is not received, then it shall be understood as an implicit consent by you for using your personal information to such end.


In order to comply with the purposes previously established, in Intercam Servicios Financieros we collect the following Personal Data:

  • i. Identification data
  • ii. Contact data;
  • iii. Socioeconomical data;
  • iv. Work-related data;
  • v. Educational background;
  • vi. Migratory data;
  • vii. Fiscal data;
  • viii. Property data;
  • ix. Financial data.
  • x. Biometric data, in order to corroborate your identity, which may consist in fingerprints, voice and face recognition; hand geometry and iris and retina patterns.
  • xi. Data on present and future “health conditions” that reveal illnesses, sicknesses and addictions, if you are interested in contracting a product and/or service that so requires it.

Intercam Servicios Financieros may additionally collect the following Sensitive Personal Data only on a face to face basis or through our websites, and will be bound to secure your consent under the terms of this privacy notice in an express and demonstrable manner;

  • i. Biometric data, in order to corroborate your identity, which may consist in fingerprints, voice and face recognition; hand geometry; and iris and retina patters.
  • ii. Data on present and future health conditions that illnesses, sicknesses and addictions, if you are interested in contracting a product and/or service that so requires it.

When visiting our websites, we can obtain your IP address and explorer version, the foregoing for security purposes and to reduce the risk in your consultations and operations.


We transfer your personal data, at a domestic and international level, to financial institutions to perform the activities allowing us to provide you with the products and services requested by you, without this requiring to obtain your consent again. As regards credit products, we may transfer your personal data to third service providers engaged in the activity of researching credit background and history reports, and we transfer your personal data when so requested or deemed pertinent by the competent authorities.

Likewise, and in order to prevent the identity theft, we may transfer your sensitive personal data, such as biometric data, to third service providers that conduct researches, and such providers shall keep and validate such information provided by the client and/or the user to Intercam Servicios Financieros.

In addition to the transfers indicated above, your personal data are eventually shared among the companies comprising Intercam Servicios Financieros to promote services and products, which may contact you directly.

Whenever Intercam Servicios Financieros requires to transfer your personal data for purposes other than those described in this document, we agree to request for you the corresponding consent.

Intercam Servicios Financieros will notify the parties that receive your personal data on the obligation they have to take the necessary measures to honor the commitments described in this notice.


In order to comply with the General Provisions referred to in article 115 of the Law of Credit Institutions (hereinafter the Provisions), during the time the business relationship with clients and users lasts, Intercam Servicios Financieros may, with the express and implicit consent granted thereby, share on the technologic platform of Banco de México (hereinafter the Platform) with other Credit Institutions belonging to the Financial System authorized to such effects: i) information on the domestic transfer of funds in foreign currency and international transfers of funds sent and received by its clients/users; ii) information and documentation from your identification file, including the updates thereto. Likewise, you may consult on the Platform: i) the range of amounts of the domestic transfers of funds in foreign currency, as well as the international transfers of funds sent or received by clients/users in the Mexican financial system; and ii) information and, as the case may be, personal documentation of clients/users provided by other Credit Institutions to the Platform.

To such regard, if after this privacy notice is made available to you, and you express no objection thereto, we will consider that you have tacitly consented that the Institution may share the information and documentation indicated in the foregoing paragraph on the Platform with other Credit Institutions belonging to the Financial System.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that in terms of the Provisions, the Credit Institutions not having the consent by the client/user referred to in this section, they will not be authorized to offer the service to perform domestic transfers of funds in foreign currency and international transfers of funds.

Likewise, you are hereby made known that you may request the Institution in writing, to the email address: [email protected], the delivery of your information stored on the Platform, and the list of all other financial entities that have consulted your information, provided that if you do not recognize the information and documentation included in the Platform as yours, you must immediately notify such fact to the Institution through the same means.

When Receiving and Withholding Pieces allegedly False or Altered Bills and Metallic Coins; Intercam Servicios Financieros must receive and withhold such allegedly false pieces, as well as the altered bills and metallic coins, and a receipt will be issued to the holder (Client and/or user) submitting such pieces, and therefore with the express or implicit consent of the client/user, your personal identification and contact data will be shared with Banco de México for the issuance of the report on the pieces that are allegedly false, as well as of the Altered Bills and Metallic Coins.

To such regard, if after this privacy notice is made available to you, and you express no objection thereto, we will consider that you have tacitly consented Intercam Servicios Financieros to share your data with Banco de México.


You may request the exercise of your ARCO rights and the revocation of consents for the treatment of your personal data at any time; also, you have the right to access your personal data under our possession and the details for treatment thereof, to rectify them if inaccurate or incomplete, cancel them whenever you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this notice, whenever they are used for purposes that you have not consented or whenever the contractual relationship is terminated, as well as to oppose to the treatment of your personal data for specific purposes.

To request the exercise of your access, rectification, cancellation, opposition or revocation of consent, you or your legal representative may deliver the corresponding request at any of our branches, addressed to the head of personal data of Intercam Servicios Financieros. Within a period not exceeding 20 days, we will notify the applicability of your request through the means you have determined, and after such notification, if applicable, within a period not exceeding 15 days, you will receive your answer, please note that the Law allows, if so reasonably justified, an extension to the periods of time indicated above for the same number of days and only once.

Requirements to submit your request for the exercise of rights:

Request in original and copy.

Original and copy of your or your legal representative’s, if applicable, voter’s card.

As regards the legal representative, original and copy of the corresponding power of attorney.

The request will include the full name of the owner of the personal data, address and email address or any other means to notify you the answer to your request, and in case of a legal representative, such data are to be provided too.

A clear and accurate description of the personal data regarding which any of the rights indicated above are intended to be exercised.

Any other element or document facilitating the location of the personal data.

For the Access right, the data to be known must be described.

For rectification of the personal data requests, the owner will indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation supporting such request.

For cancellation of revocation requests, take into consideration that they will apply for those data that do not prevent the enforcement of the obligations arising from the legal relationship between you and Intercam Servicios Financieros or that do not prevent meeting the regulatory requirements made by the competent authorities.

Answers to the ARCO rights will consist in electronic documents with digitalized images of the copies of your documents, descriptions in files of text of the information requested and screenshots as evidence of the actions performed to satisfy your request.

To facilitate the exercise of your rights, we have a format that you may request by calling: 5533-3334 or 01-800-800-3334 extension 3162 or sending an email to the address [email protected]

You may also request more information, clarify the answers to your request, file claims, doubts or make recommendations through these means.

If you consider that your right of personal data protection has been affected due to a negligence by our employees, or our answers, or consider that upon treating your personal data there any of the provisions set forth in the Law has been infringed, you may file the corresponding claim or complaint before the IFAI; for more information visit:


We notify you that you want to opt out of receiving advertisement from us or from any other Mexican financial institution, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Financial Services Users (CONDUSEF) makes available to you the Public Registry of Users (REUS), on the address, which is a list embodying personal information of users that do not want to receive advertisement on financial products and services.


Updates to this privacy notice will be notified through any of the following means: our website, notices in our branches, statements of account or else through the last email address you have provided to us.

Last update October 22, 2020.

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